Saturday, October 22, 2011

What a great idea. Shoes instead of rice and flowers!!

 "Newly married couples showered with shoes to benefit orphans"

What a cool idea!!  I stumbled upon this article online and thought it would be great if it was the beginning of a new trend.

"Two Texas Baptist brides who love Buckner International's Shoes for Orphan Souls ministry almost as much as they love their new husbands turned summer nuptials into an opportunity for guests to be part of something bigger."

and more...

"Amy Duncan-Stier, 25, served as a volunteer with Buckner in Guatemala after she graduated from Baylor University in 2008. Her father, John Duncan, is pastor at First Baptist Church in Georgetown .

"We did a shoe trip while I was there," she said. "And when I saw the need and saw what shoes meant to the kids, it just touched my heart. It's just amazing how those children would line up for shoes. ... Since I got back from Guatemala, I've always wanted to do a shoe drive."

After she and Scott Stier got engaged, they talked about trading in a traditional gift registry for a request for shoes."


"The shoe drive wedding reception also was a bigger blessing and a bigger hit with the guests than Duncan-Stier and her husband expected. Everyone loved having the opportunity to participate in ministry through a wedding gift.

"Little old ladies would come up to me in the weeks before the wedding and say, 'I've got my shoes for the wedding!' But it was shoes to give to the orphans, not to wear with their dress," Duncan-Stier said.

The couple collected more than 150 pairs of shoes at their reception, and several guests made donations to Shoes for Orphan Souls in their honor.

Rebecca Morton Pyle started planning her first wedding at 56.

"I had a great first half of my life," she said. "It was never a life-or-death, 'I have to get married' situation. But I wanted a different second half of my life, so I intentionally sought out God's choice."

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