Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rainy Day update...

All well here. The kids are just fine. Inside a bit too much, but still all is well.

Ileana was happy to see me. She is 11 and can stand for long periods of time. Her seizures are under control and she has many possibilities. Her arms and legs were broken in early infancy and never properly set. Her adult teeth have come in nicely and there are no visible cavities. Her smiles is nice.
When I arrived her rotten baby teeth were evident and her longish hair was always very dishevlled.
She was consuming a bottle of formula to help her severe malnutrition.  At some point we realized that she had caught up on the malnutrition and was actually getting kind of chubby. Her diet the last year is more normal and like most adolescents she is thinning out to a normal physique. She can crawl and stand, but lacks the intellectual motivation to do so. 

Hosea is 17 years old and may return to his family soon. He has a severe MS and his legs and arms are permanently twisted because the tendons have hardened throughout his childhood. If the family does not even maintain a minimal amount of movement the extremities become hardened and makes future progress exponentially more difficult.  He is fairly intelligent and knows many words. He understands much, but has a limited vocabulary of individual words to express himself. They are currently investigating if his family can accommodate his needs when he turns 18 next year.

We have a need boy, Carlos. He is six and always has a smile. His face is expressive and it appears he understands what is happening around him.  His legs are of little use and he can barely crawl or turn over. His smile is endearing and he is very popular with the neneras.

The educational opportunities are running better and the walks around the neighborhood are routine. The kids have far more activities and freedoms than previously.  Many challenges ahead, but God will provide.

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