Sunday, July 25, 2010

The weekend has come and gone... so very fast.

  I was looking at the photo below of the kids in the Special Olympics and I was thinking that I am one of the luckiest men alive. I love each of them so very much and think that each one of them is so very special. God is so good and gives us so many opportunities to grow, learn and care.
   Both Saturday and Sunday were great at the center. Much time spent outside in the yard. The five kids in clinic were pretty good. Ingrid is really able to stand up with help and walk a bit with lots of support. We have the new swing set and a teeter totter. So far they haven't been broken, but give us some time. Thanks to all the kind and generous donations to the Cadanino foundation we were able to help get it installed.

  This week looks busy. One boy has a good chance to return to his family. Apparently, about three years ago, he sort of wandered off. The family is of very limited means and education and they were unable to find him. He has almost no verbal skills and limited intelligence. To top it off he has to be the most ADHD kid I have ever seen. He is a constant motion machine. Anyway, the family wants him back as they have finally found him.  We do have some happy endings and great outcomes.

  Also, Father Michael DellaPenne donated a couple of wheelchairs, some food and some sheathed cable. The wheelchairs are rock solid and very sturdy. We really on the cheaper folding wheelchairs that are poorly made and of course mis-handled by us.

  Moving into the new apartment piece by piece. Finally have some Internet connection there, so I slept there last night. WOW!!  It was quiet. What a nice change.

  There is a scheduled tour of the city on Thursday for the new City Bus System. Apparently, after the gangs actually bombed one, the government thought they needed more ways to promote their use. Just kidding, I really don't know the why and wherefore of the trip, but there was a driver and several passengers killed last week with a bomb. Did I mention that bus driving in this country has one of the highest mortality rates?

  I missed the Speculator Parade on the Fourth and am missing the entire month of July at home. I will be there in late August and can't wait to see friends and family.

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