Friday, July 16, 2010

A typical Friday morning... if there is ever such a thing.

  I've been thinking that I need to blog more about the kids: individually and collectively. Our group of five are outside right now under the tent like structure. Safely seated on rolls of mature carpet. It's safe and clean. The air is fresh and the sun is finally shining. Great to be outside and rolling around on the ground. Free at last ... they are free at last.

  My struggle with them and the support systems is to give them as much time and space to explore. Before this program started they were in wheelchairs (and restraints- appropriately) or in their bed for long night times. Minimal stimulation. Perhaps my lack of background in this area of development has helped or hindered. My message has consistently been to get the kids out of the wheelchairs. The can crawl and roll around. Today we have a group of college kids helping as part of their field experience. They are a blessing and I wish there were more.

  Ingrid is able to standup with help for longer stretches of time. She can put food into her mouth if she likes it. Or should I say that she can put something into her mouth eventually. Years of being fed institutionally, has not given her any chance to develop her fine motor skills or even to understand the reason to use her hands. This has been a very slow process. Her warped and twisted arms and legs are very difficult to remediate and operations to meet her needs are very unlikely. At the same time the profoundly low intelligence makes progress difficult.  It is well known that she is my favorite and I work hard to be referred to as Uncle Jamie and not Papa Jamie. Her vocabulary consists of a short scream of greeting when she sees you and a motor boat like noise that I think we refer to as a raspberry. Tongue extended from lips and teeth and a vibrating saliva propulsion. I would prefer words, but who knows.
Each day we get her to stand up a bit. With two people she can take small steps, but sees no apparent need to walk or do much. I am hoping that the more time she spends standing  up and viewing the world that she we develop a level of curiousity.

  Since I started writing this a few minutes ago a group of clowns have come to entertain the older kids. They are part of Smiles Unlimited and are the best!!  Philanthropic volunteerism is just starting to be part of the culture here. Many people express interest in volunteering but rarely follow through.  There are tons of fotos of these folks in my blogs and web albums. They truly are a blessing.


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