Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Inauguration of Academy Cadanino - Covered in the Newsletter for Small Beginnings - Greater Ends

  Below you can see the newsletter that Tim Martiny's organization produces. In the lower right hand of the page you can see the article about the Cadanino Computer Lab. Tim acquired and put the whole thing together. Quite an amazing feat given limited resources and less than optimal infrastructure.  Please pray for Tim and his family (wife plus six young children).

Thursday, April 25, 2013

For those confident in their Castillian capabilities; A bit of Local Language flavor!

Borrowed from another website
Local slang expressions 


Ahuevarse Sentir miedo o preocuparse
Alboroto Dulce típico de maicillo o pepitoria y rapadura
Aloshte? Ya lo oíste?
Andar abriendo la Boca Andar de distraído, divirtiéndose
A matraca, a tuza Borracho
Amishar AsarearApachar Oprimir
Arralar. Arralado Asustar. AsustadoA saber Quién Sabe
Babosadas Tonterías
Birriondo Que le gusta mucho el sexo. Calenturiento.
Bisbirindo Inquieto, coqueto.
Bracas Enojado
Bolo Borracho
Burrunche Protuberancia en la piel
Buzo Inteligente, listo
Caite Sandalia
Caitazo Golpe con un caite. Baile
Camioneta Bus
Capiuza (irse de): Escaparse de la escuela 
Carechucho Cara de chucho (perro). Se usa para referirse a alguien que no nos simpatiza
Coconosh o Choconoy Gusano negro y peludo que quema al contacto con la piel humana.
Chojín Comida hecha con rábano picado, chicharrón y jugo de limón. Ideal para acompañar licor.
Cholco Sin dientes
Chomín Lo mein (platillo chino)
Chompipe Pavo. Persona a la que le gusta pasear
Chotiar Ver, observar
Chucho Perro
Chulo Bonito
Populacho El pueblo
Púchica, Puchis Expresión popular que expresa enojo o sorpresa.Sinónimo de "Puta", pero se usa coloquialmente sin ofen
Quemar el Rancho, Quemar la Canilla: Ser infiel
Qué clavo Qué verguenza
Refaccionar Merendar
Refacción Merienda
Rimero Objetos apilados uno sobre de otro

Rol PaseoSancarlista Estudiante de la USACSeco Delgado
Se le soba Se enloquece
Sercha Gancho para colgar ropa. Percha
Shola Cabeza
Shuco Sucio
Shute Entrometido. Metiche
Tayuyo Algo que es fuerte, que no se quiebra, no se pica o desmorona con facilidad. 
Ulugrún, Alagrán Expresion de susto, enojo o sorpresa
USAC Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
Vejiga También es un Globo
Ya papo No soy tonto o tonta

¿Y Diay? Expresión interrogativa o admirativa, que significa ¿Qué pasó? ¿Esto de dónde salió? ¿Desde cuándo?Zafado Loco


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Two New Nineras (Nurses Aide or Nanny)

  Part of our expansion to support all 30 of the small and vulnerable children is to employee nannies to work with them during their waking hours. We currently have 6 nannies covering four groups: Bears, Tigers, Lions and Bulls.  The Government and another NGO   Vida i Pau provide another nanny each. Thus we have six groups of five(ish).  We are calling this Home inside the Center (Hogar adentro del Hogar). It is a very exciting time. Many moments of progress followed by challenges and delays. We continue to move ahead: poco a poco.


This is Marisol Celada. She is 26 with two children;: 8 year old girl and five year old boy. Her husband was murdered when they were both 20 years of age and she was pregnant with their second child.  She lives near here parents and her Mom helps with her kids when she is at work. She is a Christian.
  She loves her work and all the kids. Her favorite child is Manuel de Jesus. Not surprising as he is a favorite amongst many of us.  Her greatest joy is meassging the kids legs with creme and stimulant brushes.


 This is Marie Eugenia Morales. She is in her 40´s and has three boys; 24, 19 and 15. Her separated husband provides almost no support to his family.  Though she graduated  from High School with a certificate in Secretarial Skills, she has mostly worked selling products and clothing at the various street fairs and markets. That type of small business here has become significantly less viable 
with changes in retail patterns.  
   She loves the work and the kids. She even said she likes the environment. Though she denies playing favorites she admits a special place in her heart for Wendy and KarlaShe too enjoys messaging them and singing to them as they listen to music. 

   They are both great additions to the Team.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Soft Launch of Clase Cadanino

  Yesterday we had 12 students attend 45 minute clases on the basics of computers. Primarily focusing on typing skills. These are employees of Cadanino and the Center (SBS). Many of them have only a third or fourth grade education.  Our pilot program will be three afternoons a week and keep the focus on the basics.
  Our formal inauguration will be on Thursday.  It appeared that people enjoyed the course work and responded well to the typing program that Tim Martiny has been using for years. It adapts easily to the educational level of the student.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Project Cadanino y Aurora Encantado

  These are photos of the garden area that we are interested in making improvements.
The little children are using the space more each day and they need more shade and possible
activities. The ground needs to be fixed with grass sidewalks.

     We are currently soliciting support for help with this project.
