Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Profile of New Associate Jessica

  Thanks to the generosity of our Friends Ellen and Stephen we are able to retain a new Ninera. She is in charge of the new team knowns as the Osos. The children in her group are:  Jaimito, Rolando, Maria Isabel, Sandra and Manuel de Jesus. She has hit the ground running and in a few short days has had a positive impact on these children. We are moving away from referring to the kids in our groups as, "The Forgotten Ones" (Los Olvidados). We are fiddling with a new naming collection. Something along the lines of the chosen ones. We are open to ideas and suggestions.
Jessica has the equivalent of an associates degree in Secretarial and office management. She dreams of attending University someday soon. Please read more about her below the photo.

Jessica's full name is Jessica Amparo Gabriela Crispin Ramos and outside of work her nickname is normally Gaby. We have a psychologist on staff with that name so we have decided to stick with calling her Jessica.

She comes from a family of five and she and her husband have a three year old girl, Zoe.
Her husband is mechanically oriented and has worked with a variety of equipment and machinery. His name is Sergio. They live in Zone 18 and his Mother lives on the second floor or their home and watches the baby during the day so that they can both work. Jessica is 24 years old. Her sister has worked with us at the center for almost 4 years, so she comes with good references and credentials. Her education level is really quite high for this position and I reminded her that the objective is for her to find better employment within six months.

A couple of things to know about her:

Favorite color; Pink, Blue and Black (she refused to be pinned down to only one)

She is involved in her Evangelical Church called Esmirna. A small Christian Church near where she lives. She accepted Christ as her Saviour when she was 19 years old.

Her spoiled or favored child is: Rolando (and also Jaimito).

She is enthusiastic and energetic. Another big thanks and shout out to our friends Ellen and Stephen who made this possible.

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