Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Father's Day Blessing

  After enjoying Father's Day in New York with my children Lizzie and JJ, I returned to Guatemala on Saturday. Ironcially, Father's Day is normally celebrated in on Friday in Guatemala and on Sunday in the USA.

  Imagine my joy and surprise to receive this excellent award from the leadership at the center as well as the senior managers at their National Social Services. It was a very emotional and joyful event and I was honored far beyond my merit.  The award really belongs to the people in the trenches working day in and day out with the children. And of course all the credit ultimately belongs to Him; as we are but mere stewards and servants that try to worship and honor Him in what we do.

  The celebration included some songs and special gifts from the boys. Each one delivered a gift and a photo to each of the ten men who work with us. Ernest had my gift and he is a really sweet young man. With the clearest blue eyes and a bright smile he has so much potential. Unfortunately, at times his seizures hit and he starts throwing anything in his path. For a small guy, he has remarkable strength for these short bursts.

  I continue to be excited about the new management team the government has installed at our center and in Social Services. They are committed to process and execution. It is a wonderful thing.  Please pray for all the managers and leaders in social services for this country!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your on the right path down their.
    Great seeing seeing you and getting to hang out last week.

    Congrad's on the award.

